
Latisse® is a prescription formula that enhances the length and thickness of eyelashes. Latisse® is available at Menard Plastic Surgery, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Menard and located in Tuscaloosa, serving residents of the Tuscaloosa area.

What is Latisse®?

Latisse® is a cosmetic treatment available only by prescription through physicians or licensed cosmetic centers. It restores longer, thicker and darker eyelashes when used regularly as directed. Latisse® is an FDA-approved treatment, formulated with bimatoprost, a substance that promotes increased growth and thickness in the eyelashes. Bimatoprost was originally developed to treat glaucoma patients, but patients and doctors soon noticed that the medication triggered increased growth and thickness in the eyelashes, and the product was reformulated as Latisse® to specifically enhance eyelash growth.

How Does Latisse® Work?

Latisse™ must be applied daily using a mascara-like applicator to the base of the upper lashes, where it triggers a gradual increase in natural lash growth, making your eyelashes longer, thicker, and darker over a period of about two months’ time. Latisse® is not approved for use on the lower lashes.

Is Latisse® Safe for Everyone?

Latisse® is a safe and effective treatment that may be recommended for most healthy adults; however, if you have a high risk for glaucoma or other condition affecting the eyes, it may not be suitable for you. To learn for certain whether you are a good candidate for Latisse®, schedule a consultation with our aesthetician who will assess your medical history and condition to determine whether Latisse® may be right for you.

What Can I Expect from Latisse®?

Once our master aesthetician determines you are a good candidate for Latisse®, you can start treatment immediately. Latisse® works slowly and gradually, and must be applied daily. Typically, you can expect to see a significant improvement over a period of about eight weeks. You may continue using regular makeup and mascara during this period if you desire. Latisse® produces temporary results only while you are using it. Once you discontinue use of Latisse®, your lashes will return to their previous condition.

If you want to try Latisse® to enhance your eyelashes, contact  Menard Plastic Surgery today! Led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Menard, Menard Plastic Surgery provides advanced cosmetic treatments for residents of the Tuscaloosa community.

Our Location

Plastic Surgery (Cosmetic Surgery) in Birmingham, AL

401 Towncenter Blvd., Suite B
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406

Office Hours

Sunday Closed
Monday: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Saturday Closed